The Musings of a Digital Privacy Advocate and an Aspiring Technology Lawyer

Welcome to this newsletter, where I delve into the complex intersection of privacy, security, and the law in our hyper-digitized age.

The prevalence of rampant state abuses of intelligence gathering powers and the presence of tech corporations engaging in surveillance capitalist practices has, without the informed knowledge or consent of the governed and users, created a world in which we are all being monitored and having our most intimate data placed on the permanent record.

These developments pose serious threats to our privacy and have far-reaching consequences for our liberties and fundamental freedoms. As technology advances and our digital footprint becomes increasingly large, it is more important than ever for individuals to understand the importance of protecting their online privacy and security.

Here, I will explore the many ways in which privacy, security, and the law intersect and how individuals can protect themselves and their sensitive information. From data breaches and online privacy to cyber-security and the legal frameworks that govern the collection and use of personal information, no topic is too big or too small for me to tackle. Knowledge is power, and it is my mission to provide you with the tools and insights you need to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and security.

Join me on this journey as I explore the vast and ever-evolving world of privacy, security, and the law, and empower you to make informed decisions in the digital age.

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Writing at the intersection of privacy, security and the law in our hyper-digitized age. All content posted represents my own opinions.


Invested in digital privacy and security and the relationship of such fields with the law.